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Gary Works Revitalization

United States Steel - Gary Works, Gary, Indiana

2017 - 2020

Project Manager, Project Development, and Engineering Manager for $202 million in capital improvements at the Gary Works Facility.  The revitalization project included: the conversion of eight (8) blast furnace gas, fuel oil, and coke oven gas (tri-fuel) fired boilers to blast furnace gas and natural gas fired (duel-fuel) boilers; new distributed control system (DCS) for four (4) boilers, the main steam turbine and generator, the blast furnace turbo blowers, and the feedwater and condensate pump system; a new 1,800 gpm maximum capacity reverse osmosis system, ultra-filters, and softeners; uprate of the steam turbine and generator from 160 MW to 190 MW; and  major maintenance overhauls of two (2) turbo blower turbines and replacement of the turbo blower compressors. 

The project also included the revitalization of the 84″ Continuous Pickle Line to add the capability to pickle advanced high strength steel, increase maximum capacity, improve reliability, and lower operation and maintenance cost.  The 84″ revitalization project included:  a new PLC control system; replacement of 55 Robicon drives with Siemens drives; new 1,000 ft. acid pickling tank; new side trimmer; new electrostatic coating oilers; restoration of an 840-ft. bridge crane runway; two (2) new 65 ton, 120 ft. span bridge cranes; automate coil loading and unloading functions; a 95 KSI capacity tension leveler / scale breaker; and increase the storage capacity of the pickle line accumulators.

Coal to Natural Gas Conversion

TransAlta - Sundance Generation Station & Keephills Generating Station, Parkland County, AB, Canada


Project Development for a $ 222 million coal to natural gas conversion of two power stations totaling six- units and 2,130 MW of generation. The coal to natural gas conversion project development work included: developed a ± 10% project budget; determined procurement strategy; provided recommended vendor list and held vendor introduction meetings; vendor selection; owner’s engineer selection; and developed execution plan.

Coal to Natural Gas Conversion

NRG Energy- Joliet Generation Station, Joliet, Illinois

2014 - 2017

Project Manager and Engineering Manager for a $ 190 million conversion of a large (1,500 MW) three-unit coal fired power station to natural gas firing.  The coal to gas conversion project included: conversion of Units 6, 7 & 8 from coal fired power plant to natural gas firing; a new auxiliary steam boiler plant for cold start up and offline heating of the units; two new high pressure natural gas supply pipelines from ANR and NGPL (Kinder Morgan); a new gas distribution header system connecting all converted units and the auxiliary boiler; new vacuum pumps for Units 7 & 8; Accelerated Unit Start design to meet PJM 14 hour day ahead market; modified Units 7 & 8 igniter, flame scanner, and fuel train system; and a new plant simulator for operator training.